Poem: Keeping Company

You walked in, like someone big walks,

When they know what it is to hold, to cover,

Something so tender, so vulnerable;

so many things that you did, my dear,

so many things that you said;

You moved so entirely aware,

Of the children running around at your feet,

The slightest smile, so bittersweet, for what was denied you;

so many things that you did, my dear

so many things that you said;

And the startling, empty space beside you,

Eternally small, just barely at your knee,

A space still protected, a grief still shielded;

so many things that you did, my dear 

so many things that you said;

A volume of sorrow was spoken,

Though yet not a word was uttered or said,

And the same for the hoped for dreams once thought broken;

all of the things that you did, my dear,

all of the things that you said;