Poem: Celestial Navigation

When in moments, or in minutes, or in hours

When the safe shore of day, that you are home

Seems still so very far away;

When the waiting ache laps against my soul, and seeks

to trouble me with tears forever more

my poets soul reaches for thee;

That by some magic of poor words we might feel,

Closer to that day when we reach

That safe and happy shore.


Poem: Stranger, My Body

What is this trembling that stalks my body so

Electric pain taking delight, making my body

Feel like a needful unknown stranger;

Clamouring, demanding, hiding me from myself

Replacing pieces of me with turbulence

Constricting  and stretching muscle at will;

I close the door, it creeps in through the window

I lock the window and its porous gas seeps

through my skin, heat seeking;

Fog, moving through my head and scattering

My memories abroad, to seek asylum

And be discovered some other summer;

My will lines up its scarce resistance fearing

Useless dependence and told that it is

my feminine madness; a woman, hysteric.

Yet betwixt the stranger and that madness that some

seek to apply to me, and call it calm –

I sometimes weep quietly for your strong arm.